From Kratie, we decided to head North and move onto our fourth country, Laos. Booking with a professional bus company, we had no fear that anything was going to go wrong, we were told we had paid everything, apart from our visa fee of $35, to get to our destination of Pakse. Little did we know that we were being subject to yet another transport scam! We got into a mini bus then transferred to a big coach in Stung Treng, as we approached the Cambodian/Laos border we were told by the rep on the bus that we had to pay $40 for them to go and get our visa, which was $5 more than it actually costs. When everyone on the bus said we would go and get it ourselves, we were told that if we did this then they would refund us for our forwarding transport from the other side and we would have to make our own way to our destination in Laos, knowing full well we were in the middle of nowhere and it would probably end up costing more than $5 each. Even though you know you are being ripped off, there’s nothing you can actually do about it, so we just gave in and handed over our passports with the extra money. Then, they have the cheek to say ‘make sure you have small change for bribing the border officials’… WTF??? They say you have to give the border official on each side $2 as a bribe to stamp your passport and if you don’t pay, then you won’t get a stamp. Stupidly, they stamped all passports, then sent over a runabout to collect the money, but before he had the chance, Alan had swiped our passports, cueing everyone else to do the same, then we walked straight over the border without paying, ha! One word for the lot of them… CORRUPT!
From Kratie, we decided to head North and move onto our fourth country, Laos. Booking with a professional bus company, we had no fear that anything was going to go wrong, we were told we had paid everything, apart from our visa fee of $35, to get to our destination of Pakse. Little did we know that we were being subject to yet another transport scam! We got into a mini bus then transferred to a big coach in Stung Treng, as we approached the Cambodian/Laos border we were told by the rep on the bus that we had to pay $40 for them to go and get our visa, which was $5 more than it actually costs. When everyone on the bus said we would go and get it ourselves, we were told that if we did this then they would refund us for our forwarding transport from the other side and we would have to make our own way to our destination in Laos, knowing full well we were in the middle of nowhere and it would probably end up costing more than $5 each. Even though you know you are being ripped off, there’s nothing you can actually do about it, so we just gave in and handed over our passports with the extra money. Then, they have the cheek to say ‘make sure you have small change for bribing the border officials’… WTF??? They say you have to give the border official on each side $2 as a bribe to stamp your passport and if you don’t pay, then you won’t get a stamp. Stupidly, they stamped all passports, then sent over a runabout to collect the money, but before he had the chance, Alan had swiped our passports, cueing everyone else to do the same, then we walked straight over the border without paying, ha! One word for the lot of them… CORRUPT!
on the bus that we had to pay $40 ຄ່າລົດແມ່ນເກັບໝົດທຸກຄົນ ນອກຈາກລຸກຫຼານຂອງເຈົ້າຂອງລົດ ຄ່າລົດກໍ່ຂຶ້ນກັບໄລຍະທາງ ແຕ່ບາງຄົນກໍ່ຖືກຕົ້ມກໍ່ມີ ມັນຕ້ອງໃຊ້ເຕັກນິກຂອງໃຜມັນເພື່ອຊອກຮູ້ຄ່າລົດທີ່ຖືກຕ້ອງ ບໍ່ແມ່ນວ່າຈ່າຍຄ່າລົດໃຫ້ເຂົາຢູ່ໂຮງແຮມ ບາດມາຂຶ້ນລົດແລ້ວຈິ່ງຖາມຜູ້ໂດຍສານຄົນອື່ນຈິ່ງຮູ້ວ່າໂຕເອງຖືກຕົ້ມ
to give the border official on each side $2 as a bribe to stamp your passport ເຂົາເອີ້ນວ່າຄ່າດ່ານ ຢູ່ເດີ່ນບິນລາວເຂົາເກັບ10ໂດລາ ເດີ່ນບິນຂະເມນ 25ໂດລາ ກໍ່ບໍ່ເຫັນໃຜຈົ່ມວ່າແນວໃດເນາະ
From Kratie, we decided to head North and move onto our fourth country, Laos. Booking with a professional bus company, we had no fear that anything was going to go wrong, we were told we had paid everything, apart from our visa fee of $35, to get to our destination of Pakse. Little did we know that we were being subject to yet another transport scam! We got into a mini bus then transferred to a big coach in Stung Treng, as we approached the Cambodian/Laos border we were told by the rep on the bus that we had to pay $40 for them to go and get our visa, which was $5 more than it actually costs. When everyone on the bus said we would go and get it ourselves, we were told that if we did this then they would refund us for our forwarding transport from the other side and we would have to make our own way to our destination in Laos, knowing full well we were in the middle of nowhere and it would probably end up costing more than $5 each. Even though you know you are being ripped off, there’s nothing you can actually do about it, so we just gave in and handed over our passports with the extra money. Then, they have the cheek to say ‘make sure you have small change for bribing the border officials’… WTF??? They say you have to give the border official on each side $2 as a bribe to stamp your passport and if you don’t pay, then you won’t get a stamp. Stupidly, they stamped all passports, then sent over a runabout to collect the money, but before he had the chance, Alan had swiped our passports, cueing everyone else to do the same, then we walked straight over the border without paying, ha! One word for the lot of them… CORRUPT!