ຕົວຢ່າງ: ຫາກເຮົາມີ ຄົນຮັກຄົນໄກ້ຊິດໃດ້ ລົ້ມຕາຍຫາຍຈາກ ສ່ວນໃຫ່ຍ ມະນຸສ ຈະຕ້ອງຮ້ອງໃຫ້. ດັ່ງນັ້ນ ການຮ້ອງໃຫ້ ແມ່ນເປັນການ Release energy ອອກມາຈາກ ຖົງຂອງ "The Law of Motion໊
Webmaster, boo hoo hoo, I don't like their comments cause they are different than yours. Maybe their "opinion" is better than yours. Who is right and who is wrong? No one, just an opinion. If you aren't closed minded, then you could consider other people's opinion and perhaps learn from it. If you think it's stupid, then just say so and continue on. The internet is not censored like how some countries try to block free speech. Be glad that you can see everything, the good, the bad, the in between. Then you don't go living life blind as a commie idiot.
But if you're upset at seeing all this discussion that you don't like, then I suggest you wear a diaper.
This web board used to be so strict before. Many posts would be deleted and people would be IP banned. Then you could only post if you registered and if you were IP banned, then you couldn't register.
But you know what happend? The board died and became a ghost town cause there would be no one on here anymore cause only the stupids were left to post stupid comments that only they liked and so no discussion. There is only so much you can say to pat yourselves on the back before it becomes tiresome of talking to yourself.
So then webmaster said okay, allow the anonymous to post again so that this board will become alive again, and thus it did. People started talking again cause they were allowed to express themselves, good or bad.
Dumb commies are hard headed you know, they don't like criticism, but you cannot improve yourself if you don't learn from mistakes and criticism. If no one said anything bad about you, how would you know if you have something that you can change about yourself to improve? I believe everyone who comes to this board has something to input for Laos, that's why they come here. Be glad that they actually are concerned about Laos. They may come off as being negative but you have to think to yourself, why are they so interested in talking here on this Laos board? If they didn't care at all about Laos then they wouldn't be here. Even if they say negative things, it's only cause they want Laos to improve.
Think about it, why else would anyone come to a Laos community board if they weren't interested in Laos.
SO WHAT, ZACK! Why you want to spoil the fun for everyone?! Under " Anonymous" people can truly express their feelings/opinions, and that's the beauty of it!!!!