they are lao nork sork haa hao sai hoa! they are not lao nai!
What does it matter if they are Lao nai or nork??????
This picture appears to be in LAOS. Are you trying to say that all Lao nork are bad? The Viet commie dogs have brain washed you Lao nai pretty good, you even hate your own Lao kind. What a shame that Lao people like you exist. Keep eating dogs you ignorant turd. I can post many bad pictures of Lao nai being prostitutes and other nasty stuff so eat our own shiet.
This kid is holding a can of beer and it looks like those are his parents or elders watching him. I don't see anything wrong with that if they are consenting of him "holding" a beer. We don't know if he actually drank any. When my brother was that age, my father made him drink some beer cause he was curious and wanted to drink it like all the other men. When he took one gulp, he spat it out and from that day on, he never tried to drink beer again, until he was old enough to legally drink it which is 21 in the west.
they are lao nork sork haa hao sai hoa! they are not lao nai!
What does it matter if they are Lao nai or nork??????
This picture appears to be in LAOS. Are you trying to say that all Lao nork are bad? The Viet commie dogs have brain washed you Lao nai pretty good, you even hate your own Lao kind. What a shame that Lao people like you exist. Keep eating dogs you ignorant turd. I can post many bad pictures of Lao nai being prostitutes and other nasty stuff so eat our own shiet.
This kid is holding a can of beer and it looks like those are his parents or elders watching him. I don't see anything wrong with that if they are consenting of him "holding" a beer. We don't know if he actually drank any. When my brother was that age, my father made him drink some beer cause he was curious and wanted to drink it like all the other men. When he took one gulp, he spat it out and from that day on, he never tried to drink beer again, until he was old enough to legally drink it which is 21 in the west.
Promoting under age drinking of alcohol is unacceptable regardless!!!! STUPID LAO PEOPLE!!!!
Promoting under age drinking of alcohol is unacceptable regardless!!!! STUPID LAO PEOPLE!!!!
Why don't you tell that to the stupid commie lao gov't who supports and advertises BeerLao. I've seen kids in Laos drink it while riding their scooters.
Laosy gov't promotes BeerLao so all Lao people think it's cool to drink.
Don't matter if that kid drinks it now or when he grows up cause that's all he's going to become in Laos anyways, just another BeerLao drinker, he's just starting early. At least he knows what he wants to be when he grows up.
Look at his role models in Laos. Eat dogs and drink Beer to wash it down with.
Promoting under age drinking of alcohol is unacceptable regardless!!!! STUPID LAO PEOPLE!!!!
Why don't you tell that to the stupid commie lao gov't who supports and advertises BeerLao. I've seen kids in Laos drink it while riding their scooters.
Laosy gov't promotes BeerLao so all Lao people think it's cool to drink.
Don't matter if that kid drinks it now or when he grows up cause that's all he's going to become in Laos anyways, just another BeerLao drinker, he's just starting early. At least he knows what he wants to be when he grows up.
Look at his role models in Laos. Eat dogs and drink Beer to wash it down with.
I'm speaking about all the Laotians throughout the world!!!