What a strong woman. I heard that she has just lost her father. He was only 53 years old. Does anyone know what was the cause of his death? Heart attack or something?
you are absolutely correct , but remember any komunist vountry they don't like person that high educated than Govt
it is difficult control them and some day those people might turn against them (Govt) look at north korea govt been
oppress its own people to for how may year now ? seal off its own poeple from the out side world if who's ever escape
from the country govt put their family member in prison or been executed
Yes? And also remember that this is Laos not NK. We need more high educated people to develop our country. The Lao GoV does not stop you to study abroad. The rich can send their children to study in any where in the world and as high as they can. There is scholarship from around the world coming into Laos every year for smart ones who are in lack of finacial support.
Open your mind and be optimistic then you will be happy with your life, mate.