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ນີ້ແລ້ວຂະນະເຕົ່າລ້ານປີຄວາມເກົ່າບໍເລົ່າມັນລຶມ ທ່ານເຄີຍໄດ້ຍິນບໍ່ວ່າ
ປະເທດລາວເຄີຍໄດ້ຖືກຮັບເປັນປະເທດສັນຕິພາບເປັນກາງ ຢູ່ໃນອາຊີອາຂະເນ ໂດຍມີສິບສາມປະເທດໄດັຮັບຮູ້ແລັວເດ
ແຕ່ສັດຕາກັມຂອງພວກທ່ານເອງ ໄດ້ມາທັບມັາງສົນທິສັນຍານີ້


RE: ປະເທດລາວເຄີຍໄດ້ຖືກຮັບເປັນປະເທດສັນຕິພາບເປັນກາງ

The Agreement of 21 February 1973 on the restoration of peace and national concord in Laos, formally signed in Vientiane by the Government Office in Vientiane and the Lao Patriotic Forces Delegation "Pathet Lao", this Agreement constitutes a sum repetition of a part of the Zurich Agreement of June 22, 1961, on the other agreements between the Lao Patriotic Front and the Royal Lao Government in 1956-57, and 5-point proposal advanced by March 6, 1970 Lao Patriotic Front. Developed in 14 articles, stipulates the following key points:

-Independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of Laos, neutrality with the recall of the 1962 Geneva Agreement on Laos; non-interference foreign application of democratic freedoms of the people (Article 1);

-Cessation of hostilities, maintaining two provisional zones, the creation of a joint commission to implement the cease-fire, the prohibition of retaliation, the introduction of troops, armaments and ordnance in Laos and the withdrawal of all military personnel, regular troops and the dissolution of foreign military and paramilitary organizations and special forces of foreign countries are mutually release prisoners and military within 60 days formation of the Provisional Government of National Unity and National Policy Advisory Council (Articles 2-5);

Them free and democratic general elections to form a government of national unity definitive; training within 30 days from the date of the signing of the Interim Government of National Unity and National Policy Advisory Board containing an equal number of representatives of both Parties, invested by the king and operating according to the principle of unanimity, the neutralization of the royal capital of Luang Prabang and Vientiane, the administrative capital, the temporary management of the two zones by each party and the progressive establishment of normal relations between the two areas (articles 6 to 10);

-Creation and the role of the Joint Committee for the implementation of agreements and the role of the international commission for monitoring and control consists of India, Poland and Canada, with India as Chairman (Articles 11 to 12).

The Agreement of February 21 is supplemented by a second agreement called Memorandum of Agreement of 21 February 1973.




If the Agreement of 21 February 1973 provides for the training within 30 days of the Provisional Government of National Unity and National Policy Advisory Council, the Protocol of September 14, defines the procedure for implementing the various clauses contained therein.

1 -) The Interim Government of National Unity bipartite

Under the provisions of the Protocol, the Provisional Government of National Unity and National Policy Advisory Council is formed the same day, April 5, 1974.

The interim government comprises 12 ministries and 26 members, including Prime Minister Prince Souvanna Phouma, and 2 figures working for peace, independence, neutrality and democracy.

Bipartite structure, it comprises an equal number of ministers and state secretaries from each of the two Lao Party: Part of the Vientiane government and the Party of Patriotic Forces Lao. Either: five ministerial portfolios, including the post of deputy prime minister, six secretaries of state portfolios, each Secretary of State as assistant to a minister belonging to the opposing party. From this assay it appears that apparently the government left Lao has a number of concessions to the right. Indeed reserving it most key ministries such as defense, interior, finance, she merely considered secondary departments, such as cults, information and tourism, public works , economics, foreign affairs. Just as knowing that the Prince Souvanna Phouma has long rallied to the right, she still consented to his chairmanship of the provisional government of national unity Furthermore this assay reflects government compared to in 1962 an increase of the left Lao. As it rose from 4 ministerial portfolios in June 1962 to 11 portfolios, including 6 secretaries of state in April 1974. With bipartisanship in the assay government devotes the disappearance of the de facto neutralists although they were predominant in 1962 to have held ministerial portfolios 8 of 16 (or half). Also suffer from the effects of the juggernaut of Vietnamese and Cambodian revolutionaries who liberated in the month of April throughout South Vietnam and Cambodia, the provisional government began to falter and knows the signs of internal instability, because in Following the forced resignation on June 16, 8 and 9 July 1975, 6 members of government, all belonging to the Party in Vientiane, were held three cabinet reshuffles. They spent the final disposal of the right and the strengthening of the left that has benefited from the fact the competition at least at government level of 6 persons in favor of peace and the policy of the Lao Patriotic Front.

Finally under Article 4 of Protocol at the Vientiane Agreement, which stipulates the principle of unanimity of view between each holder of a department and his deputy, the Protocol contains within itself the germ of paralysis. For if the former has no power over the second, in fact, the administrative hierarchy is abolished while the Secretary of State has become simply a political counterweight to his supervisor, the Minister.



Geneva Laoskonferenz
Laoskonferenz Geneva, (16 1961 5th '23. 7 1962), decided to end the Laoskonflikts and foreign intervention (especially the USA, the USSR and North Vietnam) in Laos. In the final protocol, said Laos's neutrality. Geneva Conference
Located on



3) Other measures of peace and national harmony

1. The cease-fire and release of prisoners.

It occurred immediately after the signing of the Agreement of 21 February. In order to supervise and monitor the cease-fire, we created a Joint Committee formed to the central half of military representatives of the Party of Patriotic Forces and half of representatives of the Party's military government in Vientiane. In cooperation with the International Commission for the supervision and monitoring of the cease-fire, the Joint Committee is responsible for enforcing the measures for the withdrawal of troops and foreign military personnel.

2. Neutralization of Vientiane and Luang

By agreement of 12 October 1973 the two parties resulted in the neutralization of two cities. It follows that the troops of the Patriotic Front have been introduced with 1000 men in the 1 st city and 500 in the second. These troops were formed with equal strength to those of the Party in Vientiane, the joint security forces charged with maintaining order and security of government and council.

a. Adoption of a government program in 18 points,

Two weeks after taking office the National Advisory Council Policy adopted April 24, 1974 a 18-point political program on the restoration of peace, independence, neutrality, democracy, unity and progress of Laos. Submitted to the Government, it has adopted on December 25. Domestically it focuses on democratic rights, democratic elections to form the national coalition government, economic development and social progress. Externally it focuses on the neutrality and the 5 Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.

b. The interim government of national unity powerless to solve the economic crisis.

If the Government has been successful with the masses Lao policies during the period from April 5, 1974 at the end of November 1975, he has been inept and powerless to solve the economic crisis that has beset the country. Instead we are witnessing a worsening of it leading to inflation, monetary disorder, the deficit balance of payments and budget support, social tensions, shortages of consumer goods and equipment.

II-Communisation OF LAOS

Like the Soviet October Revolution of 1917, during the 2nd half of 1975, the revolutionary process has accelerated, the Communist Party said Lao Lao People's Revolutionary Party emerges from the shadows to lead the final phase of the power part. It comprises 2 phases: firstly that of the extension and consolidation of the revolutionary forces, on the other hand, that the establishment of popular democracy.

A) The extension phase of communist revolutionary forces.

1) The continuation of the national revolution.

Undoubtedly occurred after the peace agreement of 21 February 1973 is revolutionary for a break. According to the famous Leninist tactics, because this allows the Lao People's Revolutionary Party, which emerged from the shadows to make leaps forward. In other words it allows him to consolidate and expand its base across the country, especially in the area controlled by the Vientiane regime, and this, to continue the national revolution. To do this, the People's Revolutionary Party applies the well-known tactic of Mao Tse Tung said the United Front tactics aimed at driving the imperialists to overthrow the bureaucrats, reactionaries on the one hand, and secondly, to form a government and administration to ensure the independence and national sovereignty to meet the people's interests.

In short it is the People's Revolutionary Party to resolve contradictions through two Lao society: first, the contradiction between the Lao people and the American multinational, on the other hand, the contradiction between the multinational people and the citizens .

In this respect the Agreement of 21 February and its Protocol of September 14, 1973 have resolved the contradiction that the 1st result is the withdrawal of foreign forces, including U.S. military forces and Thailand (not Vietnamese?). There remains the 2 nd to resolve conflict. It is for that party to "fight oppression inside the country, to achieve equality between the races, giving the consciousness of unity in order to increase the forces of revolution."

2) The revolutionary process and the seizure of power.

Concretely implement the Party applies in the area still controlled by the government in Vientiane its political apparatus consisting of senior political and military. Then once on site and covered both by agreements in force, by 18 points in the program, the Party cadres carry out their activities against the Party of undermining of Vientiane. Therefore following the example of the Chinese revolution, for the 1st time in the history of Laos, a mass movement was born in the aftermath of the Peace Accords of 1973. Grew constantly, it brings together 21 organizations or Ongkane (actually 29 organizations) that runs a Coordination Committee, it is noted that this movement has received support discrete People's Revolutionary Party, whose special representative in Vientiane Mr. Sanan Southichak, feverishly deploys its activities.

Also at the beginning of May 1975 start larger mass demonstrations with slogans claimants. At first they demand the resignations of senior politicians and military leaders, then they besieged ministries held by the rightists, the premises belonging to the American missions: USIS, USAID, American Embassy and demanded the withdrawal of Americans. And whenever the masses in revolt demanding the protection of the Patriotic Front forces. In short the revolutionary conjuncture with the urban masses apply to create in the main cities of Laos an atmosphere worthy of insurgency tactics Leninist. Their goal is to terrorize the rightist leaders and make their lives unbearable. They achieved their objective in full on May 9 when all civilian and military leaders most targeted by protesters belonging to the Party in Vientiane have successively resigned from their posts to take refuge in Thailand.

Their fall will cover all institutions rightists. For the first time in the history of Laos refugees form a continuous stream and reaches about 400,000 people from all walks of a population of 3 million inhabitants. Thailand has become their first haven. Subsequently they are welcomed around the world thanks to the generosity of governments and peoples of hospital: France, Australia, USA, Canada, etc.. ... And thanks to the benevolence of the High Commissioner of United Nations for Refugees and Stateless Persons.

The leaders of Vientiane being overthrown by the violence of the masses on the support of the Popular Front forces and assisted by the Vietnamese Communist Party, the way is clear for the People's Revolutionary Party from taking power.




1) The establishment of People's Committees in Laos.

The month of May 1975 is when "the crisis is ripe" where the conscious proletariat is ready to fight not for moving the balance of power but for the destruction of bourgeois parliamentarism, a republic of Soviets of Workmen's and Soldiers for the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat. With the support that is provided by the presence of several divisions of elite North Vietnamese in the countryside and in the immediate vicinity of large cities. The party proceeded to the gradual establishment of popular committees to seize power. On August 23, 1975, during a mass meeting at the stage of That Luang, announcing the formation of a revolutionary Administrative Committee for the capital Vientiane. Seizing the administrative power of this city, it in fact occupies the central government of the country. November has seen many important events that changed the face of Laos. In the countryside, the Party has completed the organization of elections to form the basis of popular assemblies. These have arisen at all levels of local and provincial governments: villages, towns, districts. Even Vientiane has also its Administrative Committee revolutionary committees of districts. It is the forerunner of the triumph of the revolution.

November 26, during a mass meeting at the National Stadium, the Administrative Committee celebrates groundbreaking introduction of the Soviets Lao across the country. On this occasion he openly calls for the overthrow of the regime in Vientiane. Two days after he organized a monster organization in which protesters demanding the dissolution of the Provisional Government of National Unity, National Policy Advisory Council and the abolition of the monarchy, the days are counted for these institutions.

At the end of November on the invitation of the Patriotic Front, the government and the Council met in "Congress" to Vieng Xay (North Laos), seat of the Central Committee of the Patriotic Front. At the same time asserting his authority, the Administrative Committee sends revolutionary in the province and elsewhere Samneua a first batch of 300 senior officials and military leaders in Vientiane for them to follow the course of "re-education" policy. In fact it is well established that these people are simply held as prisoners of war and treated as such.

On 29 November, after deliberation, the government and the Council decided to dissolve, thus meeting the requirements of the masses. Armed with the joint resolution of these two institutions, the Prime Minister, the Chairman and Deputy Prime Minister, Secretary General of the Patriotic Front, flew to Luang Prabang where they are delivered to the king's ultimatum SAVANG Vathana Vieng Xay him asked to resign, it could not do anything other than resign himself, as the balance of power is uneven. On the same day by royal rescript, for his patriotism and happiness of the Lao people, he meant his abdication, noting that there is a discrepancy between the monarchy and he embodies the people's democratic regime that will be born under imminent.


Having reached their goal, these three people came to Vientiane where preparations to convene the so-called National Congress of People's Representatives were made in secret, and what needed to happen happened. For 2 days 1 and 2 December 1975, was held on the outskirts of Vientiane, said Congress attended by 270 "elected" the people, who include many senior People's Revolutionary Party. The Congress was held under the scenario. Delegates have merely adopted by acclamation and freehand all resolutions read in the forum.

Also after hearing the royal rescript of surrender made by the Crown Prince VONG SAVANG, the resignation speech of the Prime Minister, the delegates did they hailed the abolition of the monarchy and the founding of the Lao PDR . Then they unanimously elected Prince Souphanouvong as president and chairman of the Supreme People's Assembly which has just been created. They also appointed the former king SAVANG Vathana as supreme adviser of the President of the Republic. Note that this position is purely honorary.

Furthermore, the proposal of President Chirac, they approved the constitution of the Government of the Republic headed by Kaysone Phomvihane, with the 1 st Minister Prince Souvanna Phouma is designated as an adviser.

After the seizure of power by applying its agenda and the Marxist-Leninist principles on popular democracy, the People's Revolutionary Party is working to strengthen its grip on state institutions and to exercise dictatorship so-called proletarian dictatorship of the proletariat.

It is therefore for him to purge the state and people. In other words, it is to consolidate the victory of the revolution. But it also means re-educate millions of peasants, small businessmen, hundreds of thousands of employees, officials, intellectuals, to subordinate all to the proletarian state.



3) Purification and cleansing of the state and people

Specifically the state is purged of its elements unsafe for the revolution. Senior officials, military leaders are arrested and sent to reeducation camps installed by the Vietnamese political commissars for an indefinite period. Hundreds of people will be murdered, buried alive by the "Can Bo" of Hanoi, and the others are bound to a system of internment in which political and civic education to productive work combines manual. The whole is crowned with criticism and self-criticism by which everyone must make amends for its past crimes? It goes without saying that these "residents" are closely monitored and any attempt to escape are severely punished.

On the other hand cleansing and purification also reach the people. Now it is squared, every neighborhood, every city block, every village has its own grass roots organization and its own "conference center" in which all residents follow the policy course and learn to live a new life and new revolutionary ethic. For cons the people are called to protect and defend the order and security of the new regime, it follows that a portion of the population opposes every day and went into exile abroad. Approximately 400,000 people in a population of 3 million people have fled the country, there are 95,000 dead or missing: died in the camps of "rehabilitation" in prisons, repression, died while crossing the Mekong River by swimming, by famine, torture ..., leaving behind thousands of widows and orphans.

The government is struggling with many difficulties. After severe hemorrhage technicians and capital due to the exodus of most of the population, the new Laos is bloodless and needs capital, competent men, equipment. In addition, there are serious errors in running the country. The extortion and arbitrary arrests committed by party cadres causing popular discontent and economic paralysis.

Since the introduction of the dictatorial regime in Laos in 1975, the Lao people has become a people "dumb, no rights, no voice and no hope," where corruption judge's honesty, guilt condemn the innocent and where Lao is the owner of his property.

At a time when the international situation is undergoing profound political, Laos is still basically a Stalinist dictatorship, where the single party (People's Revolutionary Party) has ruled the country unchallenged under an authoritarian Marxist-Leninist and that human rights are violated, prisoners of conscience remain imprisoned without trial and inhumanly treated and its inhabitants have sunk into poverty and the democratic expressions face many obstacles.

Faced with the alarming situation, both politically and economically and socially, characterized by:

1.) Lack of basic freedoms, violations of human rights and ethnic and religious conflicts are in turmoil and insecurity and fear are increasing;

2.) Presence of more numerous and uncontrolled settlers and Vietnamese communist soldiers in the national territory under the Treaty of vassalage special signed July 18, 1977 in Vientiane peer Kaysone Phomvihane and Pham Van Dong, Lao premiers and Vietnamese, which formalizes the dependence and occupancy of the Lao PDR (Laos) in favor of "Vietnam Brother" because of the blood debts incurred by the Lao communist leaders to the Vietnamese Communist Party that helped them take the powers they currently hold;

3.) Widespread poverty north and south of the country and the emergence of slums around cities with a skyrocketing development of brothels, nightclubs and prostitution. Corruption unprecedented in the history of Laos, nurtured and maintained by the regime in place that still believes in the illusion of Marxism-Leninism.

Since 1986, the timid opening attempted by the Communists seems to have responded primarily to the need to restore an economy type socialist-communist bankrupt rather than consider a genuine democratization of political institutions in Laos.

In 1988, about 14 years after the transformation of the United Republic, a legislature was elected with only those candidates nominated by the communist People's Revolutionary Party. On August 16, 1991, this room show of hands a constitution that reaffirms the rule of the Communist Party of Laos.



ແມ່ນໃຜຈື່ເພງນີ້ບໍ່ ຄວາມຝັນອັນສູງສຸດຂອງປະຊາຊົນລາວ
ສັນຕິພາບ ມາແລ້ວ ....
ບາດນີ້ລາວເຮົາ ຈະເຮືອງຈະຮຸ່ງ
ທຸກຄົນໝາຍມຸ່ງ ປັບປຸງສົ່ງເສີມພັທນາ
ຮັບຮູ້ທຸກຢ່າງ ຢູ່ຮ່າງອະນຸສັນຍາ
ທາງຝ່າຍຊ້າຍ ຝ່າຍກາງ ຝ່າຍຂວາ ຕ່າງຫັນມາຫາກັນດ້ວຍດີ




Anonymous wrote:

ແມ່ນໃຜຈື່ເພງນີ້ບໍ່ ຄວາມຝັນອັນສູງສຸດຂອງປະຊາຊົນລາວ
ສັນຕິພາບ ມາແລ້ວ ....
ບາດນີ້ລາວເຮົາ ຈະເຮືອງຈະຮຸ່ງ
ທຸກຄົນໝາຍມຸ່ງ ປັບປຸງສົ່ງເສີມພັທນາ
ຮັບຮູ້ທຸກຢ່າງ ຢູ່ຮ່າງອະນຸສັນຍາ
ທາງຝ່າຍຊ້າຍ ຝ່າຍກາງ ຝ່າຍຂວາ ຕ່າງຫັນມາຫາກັນດ້ວຍດີ


ຝັນເກົ່າສະລາຍ ຝັນໃຫມ່ຍັງມີ.






ມີແຕ່ບ້າເຈົ້າຄົນດຽວນັ້ນລະ ສັນຕິພາບ ປະຊາຊົນລາວຢາຍກັນຢູ່ທຸກໆ ມຸມໂລກບໍ່ໄດ້
ສັນຕິພາບ ນຳເຈົ້າ



Anonymous wrote:


  ເປັນໄປບໍ່ໄດ້ດອກ  ( ເປັນກາງ ) ປະເທດລາວ ຍັງເປັນປະເທດທຸກຍາກແລະບໍ່ທັນມີຄວາມສາມາດກຸ້ມຕົນເອງໄດ້ເທື່ອ ຈະທຽບໃສປະເທດ switzerland ນັ້ນ ( ໄຫ້ພວກທ່ານ ຄິດໄກ້ ໆ ແລະງ່າຍ ໆວ່າ ເປັນຫຍັງນັກຮ້ອງສາວຈື່ງຍອມມີ ເພດ ສັມພັນກັບຜູ່ອຸປະຖັມ ກໍຍ້ອນຕ້ອງການຄວາມຊ່ອຍເຫລືອຈາກຜູ່ອຸປະຖັມ ຖ້າບໍ່ດັ່ງນັ້ນ ນັກຮ້ອງສາວຄົນນັ້ນບໍ່ມີອານາຄົດ ຈະເປັນນັກຮ້ອງໄດ້ biggrin  ຕົວສຳຄັນກໍ່ແມ່ນທຸກສີ່ງຢ່າງກໍ່ຕ້ອງໄຊ້ເງີນຫລືວັດຖຸ ແມ່ນບໍ່ທ່ານ ?) ປຽບໃສ່ປະເທດລາວປະຈຸບັນ ເພີ່ນຮ້ອງໂຮ ໄຫ້ຊາວຕ່າງປະເທດມາລົງທືນຢູ່ລາວ ແລະກໍ່ຕ້ອງຍົກເວັ້ນພາສີ ໄຫ້ນັກລົງທືນຊົ່ວຣະຍະ ແລ້ວແຕ່ກໍຣະນີໃນການລົງທືນ , ມັນຕ້ອງຊີ້ນໄປ ປາມາ ທ່ານເອີຍ ,  ແລະທ່ານມາສັງເກດເບີ່ງອີກວ່າພັກຄອມມີວນິດລາວ ໄປຂໍຄວາມຊ່ອຍເຫລືອຈາກ ຫວຽດນາມແລະຈີນ ມາຊ່ອຍປົດປອ່ຍທົ່ວປະເທດໄດ້  ., ທ່ານເຫັນບໍ່ ? ປະຈຸບັນ ປະຊາຊົນ ຫວຽດນາມແລະຈີນເຕັມໄປທົ່ວປະເທດລາວ , ພັກຄອມມີວນິດລາວເພີ່ນກໍ່ ເຮັດເອົາຫູໄປນາ ເອົາຕາໄປໄຮ່ ເສີຍ ,  ສະນັ້ນລະ ມະນຸດເຮົາໃນໂລກນີ້ ທຸກຄົນ ບໍ່ວ່າໃຜ ຫວ່ານພືດ ກໍ່ຕ້ອງຫວັງຜົນ ລົງທືນ ກໍ່ຕ້ອງຫວັງກຳໄລ.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


ເປັນໄປບໍ່ໄດ້ດອກ  ( ເປັນກາງ ) ປະເທດລາວ ຍັງເປັນປະເທດທຸກຍາກແລະບໍ່ທັນມີຄວາມສາມາດກຸ້ມຕົນເອງໄດ້ເທື່ອ ຈະທຽບໃສປະເທດ switzerland ນັ້ນ ( ໄຫ້ພວກທ່ານ ຄິດໄກ້ ໆ ແລະງ່າຍ ໆວ່າ ເປັນຫຍັງນັກຮ້ອງສາວຈື່ງຍອມມີ ເພດ ສັມພັນກັບຜູ່ອຸປະຖັມ ກໍຍ້ອນຕ້ອງການຄວາມຊ່ອຍເຫລືອຈາກຜູ່ອຸປະຖັມ ຖ້າບໍ່ດັ່ງນັ້ນ ນັກຮ້ອງສາວຄົນນັ້ນບໍ່ມີອານາຄົດ ຈະເປັນນັກຮ້ອງໄດ້ biggrin ຕົວສຳຄັນກໍ່ແມ່ນທຸກສີ່ງຢ່າງກໍ່ຕ້ອງໄຊ້ເງີນຫລືວັດຖຸ ແມ່ນບໍ່ທ່ານ ?) ປຽບໃສ່ປະເທດລາວປະຈຸບັນ ເພີ່ນຮ້ອງໂຮ ໄຫ້ຊາວຕ່າງປະເທດມາລົງທືນຢູ່ລາວ ແລະກໍ່ຕ້ອງຍົກເວັ້ນພາສີ ໄຫ້ນັກລົງທືນຊົ່ວຣະຍະ ແລ້ວແຕ່ກໍຣະນີໃນການລົງທືນ , ມັນຕ້ອງຊີ້ນໄປ ປາມາ ທ່ານເອີຍ ,  ແລະທ່ານມາສັງເກດເບີ່ງອີກວ່າພັກຄອມມີວນິດລາວ ໄປຂໍຄວາມຊ່ອຍເຫລືອຈາກ ຫວຽດນາມແລະຈີນ ມາຊ່ອຍປົດປອ່ຍທົ່ວປະເທດໄດ້  ., ທ່ານເຫັນບໍ່ ? ປະຈຸບັນ ປະຊາຊົນ ຫວຽດນາມແລະຈີນເຕັມໄປທົ່ວປະເທດລາວ , ພັກຄອມມີວນິດລາວເພີ່ນກໍ່ ເຮັດເອົາຫູໄປນາ ເອົາຕາໄປໄຮ່ ເສີຍ ,  ສະນັ້ນລະ ມະນຸດເຮົາໃນໂລກນີ້ ທຸກຄົນ ບໍ່ວ່າໃຜ ຫວ່ານພືດ ກໍ່ຕ້ອງຫວັງຜົນ ລົງທືນ ກໍ່ຕ້ອງຫວັງກຳໄລ.


ເປັນຫຍັງວ່າເປັນໄປບໍໄດ້? ໃນໂລກນີ້
ນີ້ບໍ່ແມ່ນຄວາມຝັນ ປະເທດລາວເຄີຍໄດ້ສັນຕິພາບເປັນກາງມາແລ້ວ
ແຕ່ຫນ້າເສຍດາຍທີ່ສຸດທີ່ລາວເຮົາບໍ່ຈັກຄຸນຂ່າທີ່ສໍາຄັນ ແລະ ຮັກສາສົນທິສັນຍານີ້ໄວ້ໃຫ້ຫມັ້ນຄົງໄດ້.ຖ້າຫາກທ່ານຈະປຽບທຽບຄວາມ
ຈະເລີນຂອງລາວ ແລະ ປະເທດສວິສແລນນັ້ນ ຍັງກາຍເປັນຄວາມຝັນຂອງທ່ານເອງ.




ຖ້າເກັ່ງ ເປັນຫັຽງບໍ່ຢູ່ປະເທດເພືອ່ຕໍ່ສູ້ກັບຄວາມຈີງ ຫນີອອກນອກປະເທດເຮັດຫັຽງ? ເສຍຍ້ອນສົງຄວາມນ້ຳລາຍ ແລ້ວຍັງບໍ່ອາຍ ອີກຍັງອອກມາເຫົ່າ,ນີ້ລະມັນສະແດງເຖີງຄວາມອອ່ນແອ.



Anonymous wrote:

ຖ້າເກັ່ງ ເປັນຫັຽງບໍ່ຢູ່ປະເທດເພືອ່ຕໍ່ສູ້ກັບຄວາມຈີງ ຫນີອອກນອກປະເທດເຮັດຫັຽງ? ເສຍຍ້ອນສົງຄວາມນ້ຳລາຍ ແລ້ວຍັງບໍ່ອາຍ ອີກຍັງອອກມາເຫົ່າ,ນີ້ລະມັນສະແດງເຖີງຄວາມອອ່ນແອ.

ເວົ້າແບບເຈົ້າ ຫມາຍຄວາມວ່າສຸກງ່າໃດກິນງ່ານັ້ນ ຫອມບ່ອນໃດເລຍບອ່ນນັ້ນconfuse




ຂ້ອຍບໍ່ໄດ້ເປັນນົກ 2ຫົວຄືພວກທ່ີອອກມາເຫົ່່າ, ຂ້ອຍຄົນລາວ, ຢູ່ລາວ ແລະພັດທະນາປະເທດລາວ,ຊາດມີສັນຕິພາບ,ຄວາມສະຫງົບ,ພັດທະນາ ສີວີໄລກໍ່ພໍ.ຢ່າໄປໂຕຖືກຕົວະ,ຖືກຕົວກໍ່ຍ້ອນໂຕເອງບໍ່ເກັ່ງ,ບໍ່ມີຈຸດຢືນອັນຫນັກແຫ້ນ ແລະຄອນແຄນ.



Anonymous wrote:

ຂ້ອຍບໍ່ໄດ້ເປັນນົກ 2ຫົວຄືພວກທ່ີອອກມາເຫົ່່າ, ຂ້ອຍຄົນລາວ, ຢູ່ລາວ ແລະພັດທະນາປະເທດລາວ,ຊາດມີສັນຕິພາບ,ຄວາມສະຫງົບ,ພັດທະນາ ສີວີໄລກໍ່ພໍ.ຢ່າໄປໂຕຖືກຕົວະ,ຖືກຕົວກໍ່ຍ້ອນໂຕເອງບໍ່ເກັ່ງ,ບໍ່ມີຈຸດຢືນອັນຫນັກແຫ້ນ ແລະຄອນແຄນ.

ຍ່າອວດດີອວດເດ່ນກັນຫລາຍ ເຫັນວ່າໄດ້ເປັນລູກຫລານນັກປະຕິວັດ 30 ປີ
ມາຮອດນີ້36 ປີແລ້ວຫາກໍຕຽມຢືດຄໍເບິ່ງລົດໄຟແຮງສູງຂອງຈີນຈະມາຜ່ານດິນລາວ
ດິນລາວ ສໍາບໍ່ພໍໃຫ້ຈີນມາປຸ້ນເອົາຄໍາອອກຈາກປະເທດຂອງຕົນໄປອີກ



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

ຂ້ອຍບໍ່ໄດ້ເປັນນົກ 2ຫົວຄືພວກທ່ີອອກມາເຫົ່່າ, ຂ້ອຍຄົນລາວ, ຢູ່ລາວ ແລະພັດທະນາປະເທດລາວ,ຊາດມີສັນຕິພາບ,ຄວາມສະຫງົບ,ພັດທະນາ ສີວີໄລກໍ່ພໍ.ຢ່າໄປໂຕຖືກຕົວະ,ຖືກຕົວກໍ່ຍ້ອນໂຕເອງບໍ່ເກັ່ງ,ບໍ່ມີຈຸດຢືນອັນຫນັກແຫ້ນ ແລະຄອນແຄນ.

ຍ່າອວດດີອວດເດ່ນກັນຫລາຍ ເຫັນວ່າໄດ້ເປັນລູກຫລານນັກປະຕິວັດ 30 ປີ
ມາຮອດນີ້36 ປີແລ້ວຫາກໍຕຽມຢືດຄໍເບິ່ງລົດໄຟແຮງສູງຂອງຈີນຈະມາຜ່ານດິນລາວ
ດິນລາວ ສໍາບໍ່ພໍໃຫ້ຈີນມາປຸ້ນເອົາຄໍາອອກຈາກປະເທດຂອງຕົນໄປອີກ


ຈັກໃຜລະອວດເກັ່ງຂ້ອຍວ່າລາວນອກ ຍິ່ງອວດເກັ່ງກວ່າລາວໃນອີກ ຫຼີ້ນເວບນີ້ 90% ແມ່ນລາວນອກ ແລະອາຍຸຢູ່ປະມານ 40 ຂື້ນໄປ ມັນບໍ່ເຮັດຫຍັງດ່າຢ່າງດຽວເວົ້າແຕ່ເລື້ອງອາດີດແລ້ວບອກວ່າຕົນເອງຢູ່ປະເທດສີວິໄລໄດ້ຮັບການສຶກສາດີ. ເຂົາເຮັດຫຍັງກະບໍ່ໄດ້ຜິດມັນໝົດ ສົມພໍແຕ່ກ່ອນຈິ່ງບໍ່ພາກັນສ້າງສາຫຍັງ ມີແຕ່ຢ້ານຄົນອື່ນມາເອົາຂອງຕົວເອງ. ການເຮັດທຸລະກິດມີໄດ້ມີເສຍບໍ່ຕ້ອງຢ້ານພໍ່ຕູ້ເອີຍ ຊີ້ນໄປ ປາມາຊັ້ນນາ


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