There's nothing free in this world. Thailand comes to help Laos with the hope that they will get something in return in the future, at least the fame and kindness in front of other countries. I'm not saying just Thailand, but all developed countries helping undeveloped countries, what they will get back is kindness and generosity in front of other countries. However we do appreciate your help. And some of Thai people still insult Laos so we can't really forget the history. But i do agree now, we should focus on economic delevopment.
Japan and Singapore can't do it a lone, Please do some hard reseach before you gave them too much credit bro !!! After the WW2, Who do you really go in there and show them how it work ??? as for Singapore, who do you really think that put down a strong foundation ???
To all Thai people think about these ways and more logicaly, you can argued any history you want that and in hart and mine you know that thai doesn't have any history, culture and language speak before many years ago. Most language thai people speak today is all Lao language. you have to thank to all to lao who created this history. If you want talk about the old history where Lao and thai came from! you should ask chinese people they know best. By the way the Pra keomorakode is belong to Lao people because the King Sri langka gave that to King Fagnum as gift for his majestic warrior.
To all Thai people think about these ways and more logicaly, you can argued any history you want that and in hart and mine you know that thai doesn't have any history, culture and language speak before many years ago. Most language thai people speak today is all Lao language. you have to thank to all to lao who created this history. If you want talk about the old history where Lao and thai came from! you should ask chinese people they know best. By the way the Pra keomorakode is belong to Lao people because the King Sri langka gave that to King Fagnum as gift for his majestic warrior.