Loung Kahamtay Siphandone bor dai sor lassadorn dork phern sor luang tang hark. Phou pha par mai you muong lao kab kai pen phou hau lone pi moth leo, dauy saphor you phark tai kai-kai khoung kheth khong phern narn eng. Sing laow nun marn pen see-meu khong phai? Khan sanh loung lao bor luay panh nee dork.
He used blamed Vang Pao, Boun Oum N. Champasack , Phouy Sananikone and the others top ranks of old Laos governments [ SOR LATH BUNK LUANG ] in Coffee Party on 2nd December 1975. Five years after he took power as Defend Min. then PM, all the lands that owned by to the people who fled Laos from north to south of Laos are belong to his name.